Thursday, October 29, 2009


ok, mini-freak's this for a new headshot? I know, I know, push the hair out of your face.... what can i do ???
taken by the ever-talented CameraMan. Maybe I will post other options as personal demons are confronted and courage is plucked.
In the meantime, compare with this one, taken OVER A DECADE AGO. wow.

In other news, I am coming up on a bit of time off. I have some projects in the works, but I am looking at a LOT of free time. AND I NEED SOMETHING TO OCCUPY MY EASILY CRAZED MIND! so... suggestions????
Things I am considering:
  • Getting serious about jogging. You know I love the podcast, but I am crap at keeping up with a program.
  • Getting serious about language study. Even if I force myself to study for one hour a day.. think what I could learn!
  • A crazy opera study project: Mozart immersion or something. Really devote myself to one opera a week... watch at least 2 videos, read up.
I should do ALL of these, shouldn't I? I could be educated AND svelte by Christmas. Che pazzo!
Seriously my friends, let's hear your ideas, pronto. I need you.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should jog while listening to Vivaldi, then go home and translate the libretto!
