I have been a bit lame about posting lately, so today a special treat: a book list!
This is what I have reading:
An Infinity of Little Hours: Five Young Men and Their Trial of Faith in the Western World's Most Austere Monastic Order
ummm... see the subtitle. Really interesting read. I thought I was going to go crazy from loneliness (and lack of real communication) when I was in Florence, Italy for a month last year (see posts
here and
here), so the mere thought of an entire life of solitude is enough to send me on a search for some Ben and Jerry's.
The Invisible Church: Finding Spirituality Where You Are (Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality)
Wow. It is taking me forever to read this book, because I sit around with my mind blown every few pages. Here is a review from Amazon... “In these troubled times, the call of the soul--the desire to find spiritual fulfillment and meaning--has never been more powerful. Or more important. Yet that call is in danger of being drowned out by a culture obsessed with fame and wealth, and leery of religious charlatans offering salvation to the highest bidder. Filled with insight and sharp wit, The Invisible Church quiets the din and offers a path to a deeper, richer, more transcendent life.”–Arianna Huffington
The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life
A memoir, a guidebook and a philosophical rumination all in one. Yes, please.
My Name Is Asher Lev
The story of a young man's journey to realize his gifts as an artist while living in world of an extremely fundamentalist Jewish community. Beautifully written, painfully inspiring tale.
Asher Lev changed my worldview...outstanding book! I'm intrigued by some of the others - thanks for posting!