Friday, October 05, 2012

Weekend rambling

Woke up this morning in Tulsa (on a gig) to weather that was decidedly more FALL-like.  HALLELUJAH!  I had basically forgotten what it might feel like to have a chill in the air.  Isn't it amazing how every season is still a surprise?  After all these years...   hehehe

I'm in heading into final tech week for the show here.... today is a day off, and then it is off to the races:  Onstage Spacing rehearsal, Wandelprobe (where the singers move around onstage while singing with the orchestra for the first time), Piano Dress, Orchestra Dress, Final Dress.... then... SHOWTIME!  As always, the show is turning out far better than I ever expect it will.  This too, is always, a surprise. Something must be wrong with my brain.

Then... home to Houston for 3 wild days of home improvement projects... then off to visit my man friend in NYC, followed by a trip to Georgia for introduction to my brand-spankin-new niece.  I don't know what to make of this at all.  How does my little brother have a child?  (see above brain issue).

Anyway, here is what I am loving this week:
  1. The Perfectly Imperfect Home.  The content is good, nothing earth-shattering here, but the illustrations (by Virginia Johnson) are AMAZING.  As I continue plugging away on my little watercolor adventures, this was terribly inspiring. 
  2.  The Mindy Project.  First two episodes on Hulu.  May be my new favorite sitcom.  Though Parks & Rec still is dear.   Not for everyone... but what is?
  3.  I've been renting out my pad on occasion while I am out of town.  LOVE THIS. I've rented to students in town for music school auditions, a gal here for chemo treatment, a handsome marine, an Austin couple coming in for a baby shower.  Basically, it is the bomb.  They get a homey, inexpensive place to sleep and cook, plus all the books they can care to read, and I make a few shekels to put under my mattress for when I am old.  Or pay the mortgage.  Either way.  Win.   Come stay!
  4.  Homemade spaghetti sauce.  This is so simple it is embarrassing, and probably is not even recognizable as "Italian"  but it is the essence of homestyle eats for me, exactly as my mom made it.   Recipe:  ground beef, chopped onion, can of diced tomatoes, salt and pepper.  Brown the beef, sautee the onions, throw it all together simmer for an hour or so.  If you are super wild, add red pepper flakes and .....crazy!!!!!.... italian seasoning.  Serve on top of ... spaghetti. wild. 

Ok, enough rambling.  Happy weekend all!!


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